Sunday 22 February 2015

Moving Forward with the Nomads

It's been a long few months, with work and illness. I haven't posted as much as I wanted to, but I have been working on converting my Nomad gang for Confrontation.

So, to get to the point, here they are:
(I forgot to take before pics, so had to pull them a google search, so credit goes elsewhere for them)

The Leader (Not a new one, but here for completeness)
Hardened Fighter 1:
Not my image - found on a google search

Hardened Fighter 2:
Not my image - found on a google search
Raw Recruit:
Not my image - found on a google search

As usual, comments are welcome. My aim is to get them painted over the next couple of weeks (hobby time is limited). [NOTE: The goggles don't look as rough actual size. (Damn high definition photography!)]

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